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Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Edinburgh College of Art launches new catalogue interface

(with thanks to SVAG member Jane Furness, news on the new and improved ECA catalogue - cheers, Paula)

ECA Library Service is delighted to announce a new and much improved interface to our online Library Catalogue. This will be run as a pilot service alongside our existing catalogue until the end of the year, after which the old catalogue will be discontinued and the new one will take its place.

Our new catalogue has a fresher and more user-friendly design and incorporates several brand new and very useful features:

-Enhanced and improved search functions
- Book jacket images
- Links to book previews, reviews and related books (all from Google Books)
- The facility to add books to your own personal list for future reference
- The facility to save searches and run them again at a later date

Please feel free to try out our new pilot Library Catalogue service. The new catalogue is also available as a link from the homepage of the existing catalogue. We would welcome your comments and feedback during the pilot.

We will be running some drop-in sessions in the coming weeks to help introduce users to the new catalogue – details to follow.

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