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Monday, 4 October 2010

NGS seminar: Social media for the Scottish cultural heritage sector

Social media for the Scottish cultural heritage sector: a one-day open seminar

Date: Thursday 21 October 2010, 10am–5pm
Venue: Hawthornden Lecture Theatre, National Galleries of Scotland
Cost: This event is free of charge, thanks to funding from the Royal Society of Edinburgh

Aims: to discuss current social media practice in the Scottish sector; to consider developments in other national contexts; to establish a focus for future workshops and an emerging research agenda
People: open to all professionals in the cultural heritage sector with an interest in social media in museums and galleries, and to researchers and professionals interested in the broad field of museum and gallery education

The first event organized as part of the Digital Futures of Cultural Heritage Education project will be a one-day open seminar to be held on 21 October 2010 at the National Galleries of Scotland. This will be followed by two workshops, which will combine discussion and debate with hands-on work in various social media environments. These will be hosted by the School of Education at the University of Edinburgh, in March and June 2011. Details will be available in the autumn of 2010.

Further details of the October seminar, including the programme and the link for booking online, can be found at the Digital Futures of Cultural Heritage Education project website.

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