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Monday, 17 November 2014

Call for speakers/poster sessions for the Museum Librarians and Archivists Group (MLAG) Conference 2015

Proposals are invited for the MLAG Conference 2015 presentations and poster sessions:

To be held on Friday 24th April 2015 at the Henry Wellcome Auditorium,
Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE, UK.

*The D-Word: tips and tricks for digitising library and archive collections *
Providing online access to library and archive collections has never been more important for promoting and increasing awareness to our hidden treasures. At this conference we want to explore:

  * How museums and art galleries can start the digitisation process and demystify the often complex world of digitisation, no matter what your budget
  * Provide case studies from museums and art galleries who have begun digitising their collections, and highlight particular areas of interest or successes in these projects

You are invited to submit proposals for presentations or poster sessions. Proposals must be no longer than *250 words*. Proposals must be submitted by the end of *Friday 9th January 2015*. Selected
participants will be contacted by the end of January.

In your submission please include:

 1. Title
 2. Synopsis
 3. Indicate whether you would like to do a presentation, poster session, or both.
 4. If you would like to present please indicate how much time you would require (we are currently working on offering 20 or 40 min slots, but can be flexible with this).

Areas of interest are:

 1. How to get funding
 2. Digital preservation
 3. Copyright
 4. Technical processes – i.e. image capture, metadata creation
 5. Collaboration with other organisations
 6. Working with volunteers
 7. Crowdsourcing
 8. Producing guidelines and workflows
 9. Learning and outreach
10. Evaluation
11. Marketing

Presentations should give some context for the project and the collections they are digitising, but focus more on the practical side of projects.
Poster sessions are an opportunity to showcase relevant projects in an informal setting, giving attendees the opportunity to ask questions.
Participants will be chosen according to demonstrating one area of interest particularly well.

*Please submit your proposal via email to both:*
Jane Bramwell. Head of Library and Archive, Tate:
Melanie Grant. Acquisition Services Manager, Wellcome Library:

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